Welcome to Artificial Purrfection, a whimsical gallery where AI-generated art meets feline charm! This project was created by Cecelia Braswell, a web developer with a passion for two things—cats and coding.
Each piece of art featured here is the result of carefully crafted prompts provided to ChatGPT, generating stunning and unique depictions of cats in a variety of artistic styles. From the dreamlike landscapes of Surrealism to the bold energy of Pop Art, the delicate elegance of Art Nouveau, and the expressive brushstrokes of Impressionism, every image showcases how AI can breathe life into creativity.
Beyond the art itself, Artificial Purrfection is a testament to the power of technology and imagination. It serves as both a creative passion project and a way to showcase my web development skills, demonstrating my ability to integrate AI-generated media into an engaging online experience. nhance and grow my web development skills.
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy this playful fusion of technology, artistry, and, of course, cats!
If you wish to learn more about me, you can find my actual portfolio here.
Meowdernism: A Feline Perspective - 2017
The Ninth Life: A Cat' s Journey in Art - 2019
Mewvement & Form - 2021
Litter-ature & Art: A Cat' s Tale - 2022
Chasing Shadows: The Mystique of Cats in Art - 2023
A Tail of Colors - 2024